A lot of people that I know neglect washing their make up brushes on a regular basis which causes a lot of hygiene related issues (spots, acne, bacteria, germs...) Here I am going to show you how I wash mine in a few quick and simple steps, so easy it doesn't seem a chore.
All you will need...
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil of your choice
- Baby Shampoo
- A Clean Towel
- A Medium Bowl
- Dirty Brushes
Pour your olive oil and baby shampoo in a bowl, then simply swirl your dirty brushes in the mixture, run them under warm running water and VOILA, there you have your clean brushes!
Seriously, the whole process takes me only a few minutes, then I leave them to dry on a towel and they are ready to be used the next morning freshly cleaned. I tend to do mine on a Sunday so they are ready for a new week.
How often do you clean your make up brushes?